Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Conjugate Compléter, to Complete

How to Conjugate 'Complà ©ter,' to Complete As you might suspect, the French verb  complà ©ter  means to complete. Its a very useful word to add to your vocabulary. As with all verbs, when you want to say completed or completing, a conjugation is necessary. This French lesson will walk you through the process. Complà ©ter Conjugation In English, we conjugate verbs by adding an -ing or -ed ending to change from the present to the past tense. The same is done in French, though its a little more complex. Thats because there is a different infinitive ending for every subject pronoun in every tense. Complà ©ter  is a  stem-changing verb  as well. This poses a special challenge in the conjugations. While its not a big deal in the pronunciation, it matters when the word is written down. In the conjugation chart, look closely and you will notice that the accented e changes along the way. This happens often in verbs ending in -à ©_er,  such as  accà ©der  (to reach). Also, for the future tense, you can use either the grave à ¨ or acute à ©. Beyond that, the conjugations are rather simple. Study the chart and pair the proper subject pronoun with the appropriate tense. For instance, I complete is je complà ©te and we will complete is nous complà ©terez or nous complà ¨terez. Subject Present Future Imperfect je complà ¨te complà ©teraicomplà ¨terai complà ©tais tu complà ¨tes complà ©terascomplà ¨teras complà ©tais il complà ¨te complà ©teracomplà ¨tera complà ©tait nous complà ©tons complà ©teronscomplà ¨terons complà ©tions vous complà ©tez complà ©terezcomplà ¨terez complà ©tiez ils complà ¨tent omplà ©terontcomplà ¨teront complà ©taient Present Participle The  present participle  of complà ©ter  is complà ©tant. This can be used as a verb, of course, but also serves as an adjective, gerund, or noun in some circumstances. Passà © Composà © and Past Participle The  passà © composà ©Ã‚  is a common form of the past tense in French. Its formed by conjugating the  auxiliary verb  avoir  to match the subject, then attaching the  past participle  complà ©tà ©. To put this together, I completed is jai complà ©tà © and we completed is nous avons complà ©tà ©. The  ai and avons  are conjugations of  avoir. More Simple  Conjugations There may be times when the action of completing is uncertain. That is when you might employ either the subjunctive or conditional verb forms. In literature, you may see the passà © simple or imperfect subjunctive in use. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Passà © Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je complà ¨te complà ©teraiscomplà ¨terais complà ©tai complà ©tasse tu complà ¨tes complà ©teraiscomplà ¨terais complà ©tas complà ©tasses il complà ¨te complà ©teraitcomplà ¨terait complà ©ta complà ©tà ¢t nous complà ©tions complà ©terionscomplà ¨terions complà ©tà ¢mes complà ©tassions vous complà ©tiez complà ©teriezcomplà ¨teriez complà ©tà ¢tes complà ©tassiez ils complà ¨tent complà ©teraientcomplà ¨teraient complà ©tà ¨rent complà ©tassent To use  complà ©ter  in an exclamation, use the imperative form. When doing this, you can skip the subject pronoun, so rather than tu complà ©te, you can simply say complà ©te. Imperative (tu) complà ¨te (nous) complà ©tons (vous) complà ©tez

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